Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Sunday, February 06, 2011

Kindle Text-to-Speech

My new favorite feature of the Kindle is its text-to-speech. I took the bus/ferry to Vancouver yesterday and listening to a book on the Kindle was a great way to pass the time – especially on the hour-long bus/train rides, on which reading can give one a headache.

Another thing I like about the Kindle is that if you want to see the dictionary definition of a word, you just move the cursor beside the word and a definition pops up.


  • Do you think it is good enough? I mean, I realize that this is no audio-book quality stuff, but would it be enough to understand the book without reading the text? Also, how is the quality of the speech engine?

    By Blogger Sujith Abraham, at 8/28/2011 7:28 a.m.  

  • Hi Sujith. It's actually pretty good. I listened to all 335 pages of Sigrid Undset's Catherine of Siena this way, a little bit at a time. The only issue is that listening to a book takes a lot longer than reading it.

    You can hear some demos of it on YouTube, e.g.,

    By Blogger Jonathan, at 8/28/2011 10:47 a.m.  

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