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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Traditional Latin Mass in Victoria BC

On Sunday I went to something called a Traditional Latin Mass, for the first time. Unlike most Catholic masses today, TLMs are done entirely in Latin (except for a brief English sermon in the middle). The priest faces away from the people for most of the mass. A group of men in the choir loft sings Gregorian chant. The people remain silent throughout.

This is actually how it was done from Catholicism’s early days until the 20th century.

In short, it’s pretty cool.

Traditional Latin Mass, Queen of Peace Church, Victoria BC
Yes, Victoria has Traditional Latin Masses: Queen of Peace Parish, 11:45am on Sundays

Latin Missal
Get ready to brush up on your Latin!

Traditional Latin Mass, Queen of Peace Church, Victoria BC
The priest faces away from the people (ad orientem).


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