Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Around a lake in Victoria in October

Come with me and I'll take you on a mini tour around Swan Lake near my place in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Path around Swan Lake, Victoria BC
Brrrr! First thing to notice is that it’s cold in Victoria in October. Good thing you’re wearing that sweater and warm jacket.

Path around Swan Lake, Victoria BC
A neat thing about Swan Lake and other nature sanctuaries in Victoria is that you’ve got all these nice bridges and old wooden structures. They’re a part of my childhood.

Path around Swan Lake, Victoria BC
This little bog feeds into Swan Lake. I wouldn’t recommend swimming in it. Ducks like to eat the green stuff though.

Path around Swan Lake, Victoria BC
It’s definitely fall—everything’s orange except for the evergreens. OK let’s head home for some hot chocolate!

Is it cloudy and chilly back where you live?


  • what a lovely array of images... I too live in Victoria, and being a bit crippled dont get to see much of this lake. Thanks...Diane

    By Anonymous Diane, at 11/04/2009 4:44 p.m.  

  • You're welcome, Diane! What's one of your favourite places in Victoria?

    By Blogger Jonathan, at 11/04/2009 10:58 p.m.  

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