Webcam as Memex

I am intrigued by Vannevar Bush's 1945 idea of a memex, a "lifetime store of everything". I wish I had a device built into my eyeglasses that recorded everything I see and hear, everything I type (for instant retrieval later), every website I visit, every email, every phone call I receive. It's often useful to be able to go into the past and recall what you were doing, or retrieve a document or email from the past. And it's just fun to see pictures from a week ago, a year ago, a decade ago.
Well I don't have a wearable memex, so I've set up the next best thing which is a webcam that takes my picture automatically every 6 hours. It reminds me of Mena Trott's project to take a picture of herself every day for the rest of her life. Or Project 365, in which you snap a photo every day. The beauty of this setup is that it's done automatically, so I don't need to remember to do it.

You're obviously pretty confident nothing untoward is going to be happening in front of your webcam at these intervals! Or are you just storing the pictures locally?
And +1 for the recording-everything eyeglasses. That I would queue around the block for ...
Thomas David Baker, at 7/05/2007 8:33 a.m.
Ha! Yeah, I'm living dangerously.
Thing about those glasses is they may be invading other people's privacy. Ah well - it's just a pipe dream anyway.
Jonathan, at 7/05/2007 10:57 p.m.
I'll have to see if there's some OS X software for doing something like this. Have you read Rainbow's End? It's got some interesting ideas in it along those lines.
Phil, at 7/08/2007 4:51 p.m.
Hi Phil - I'll check that out!
Jonathan, at 7/08/2007 9:57 p.m.
You are most likely aware of the number of portrait-a-day guys out there, but just in case, here are some of my favs:
This guy's consistent for 8 years:
The 'Arrow of Time' Family, 30 years, once a year:
Noah K. 6 years everyday timelapse:
Jeff Werner, at 7/12/2007 8:11 a.m.
Jeff - I enjoyed checking those out - thanks!!
Jonathan, at 7/12/2007 10:29 a.m.
You might look at Waymarkr ( It turns your cell phone camera as a way to constantly document what you are doing / where you are going. Almost perfectly describes your memex.
(Disclaimer: One of the developers of Waymarkr has the same name as me, but I am not him. I discovered them while EgoGoogling myself. ;-))
-.--.--, at 8/02/2007 10:10 a.m.
Mike - How serendipitous! Thx - I'll take a look now.
Jonathan, at 8/02/2007 9:59 p.m.
An addition to my system: Slogger for recording the full text of every webpage I visit.
Jonathan, at 9/06/2007 1:18 p.m.
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