Rite-In-The-Rain notebooks for shower idea capture
I have previously recommended Crayola Bathtub Crayons as a useful means of recording ideas in the shower. However, it can be quite hard to read, and on more than one occasion I have been unable to decipher what I have written. Plus it discolors the shower walls slightly.
What a nice surprise, then, to find that my local art store carries Rite-In-The-Rain notebooks.

These are water-resistant notebooks that are perfect for capturing ideas in the shower. You don't have to spend for a waterproof pen – pencil works fine. The pages aren't totally waterproof; if you really soak them, the coating wears away and the page goes transparent. So I recommend that you stick it behind a shampoo bottle.
A Rite-In-The-Rain notebook will set you back $8.
What a nice surprise, then, to find that my local art store carries Rite-In-The-Rain notebooks.

These are water-resistant notebooks that are perfect for capturing ideas in the shower. You don't have to spend for a waterproof pen – pencil works fine. The pages aren't totally waterproof; if you really soak them, the coating wears away and the page goes transparent. So I recommend that you stick it behind a shampoo bottle.
A Rite-In-The-Rain notebook will set you back $8.

An ex-girlfriend of mine was a Canadian Reservist and would bring home army-surplus waterproof notebooks. Army-green plastic covers with waxed paper pages of some sort. Use with pencil. I took advantage of them as a newspaper reporter.
Jeff Werner, at 7/12/2007 7:58 a.m.
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