Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Quicken WillWriter 2007, and writing a will in general

I purchased and downloaded a program called Quicken WillWriter 2007 to help me write my will. It seems to have a lot of good reviews on the web. It has a ton of useful forms, and helpful tips to get you through them. Actually looks like it will be more work than I thought, but it's quite an interesting process.

Choosing a will--it's one of those "responsible" things to do that I certainly hadn't thought of doing--until I read Personal Finance For Canadians For Dummies, and The Wealthy Barber. These books describe other "responsible" things to do as well, like building up an emergency fund, saving for retirement, and choosing broad insurance coverage.

Good stuff--wish I'd learned about them earlier.


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