Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Synergy: Open-Source Keyboard/Mouse Sharing

Synergy rocks! It lets you seamlessly use your keyboard and mouse with several computers. Yup you can drag your mouse from your PC to your Mac - amazing! Or if you have three old computers, hello triple monitor setup!

I connected my desktop and laptop together as follows:

* Downloaded Synergy to both computers
* Ran Synergy in client-mode on the laptop
* Ran Synergy in server-mode on the desktop. Note that I had to add the host names of both computers ("euler" and "gateway" in my case) as "screens", then I added two rules: "0 to 100% of the right of gateway goes to 0 to 100% of euler" and "0 to 100% of the left of euler goes to 0 to 100% of gateway"

That last step took some figuring out, but I've done it so you don't have to!


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