Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Saturday, March 25, 2006

FileTargets: Right-click file and copy its path to the clipboard

Here's another little gem I discovered via an alt.comp.freeware search - FileTargets. It lets you right-click a file in Windows and copy its path to the clipboard -- something I find myself doing often these days.


  • I would recommend Total Commander. Best file manager for Windows I know. It has two pannels, tabs (like Mozilla), FTP connection, it can be in system tray, it has search tools, multiple rename, compression tools, many customizations and plugins, it's very quick with its keyboard shortcuts. File path can be copied with shift+f6
    I had to write it here, because thanks to you, I know about hott notes.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/26/2006 2:10 a.m.  

  • Thanks xRalf! I'll have to give TC a try.

    By Blogger Jonathan, at 3/28/2006 12:06 a.m.  

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