Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Benjamin Franklin's "Schedule For The Day"

I love looking over Benjamin Franklin's "schedule for the day" -

THE MORNING. { 5 } Rise, wash, and address
{ } Powerful Goodness! Contrive
Question. What good shall { 6 } day's business, and take the
I do this day? { } resolution of the day; prose-
{ 7 } cute the present study, and
{ } breakfast.
8 }
9 } Work.
10 }
11 }

NOON. { 12 } Read, or overlook my ac-
{ 1 } counts, and dine.
2 }
3 } Work.
4 }
5 }

EVENING. { 6 } Put things in their places.
{ 7 } Supper. Music or diversion,
Question. What good have { 8 } or conversation. Examination
I done to-day? { 9 } of the day.
{ 10 }
{ 11 }
{ 12 }

NIGHT. { 1 } Sleep.
{ 2 }
{ 3 }
{ 4 }

I'd like to do something similar, although I couldn't get by on 4 hours of sleep, at least not at this stage of my life. I'll try for something like the following:


Question. What good shall { 7 } Rise, wash, and address
I do this day? { } Powerful Goodness! Breakfast.
8 } Work.
9 }
10 }
11 }
NOON. 12 }
{ 1 } Read, or overlook my accounts, and dine.
2 } Work.
3 }
4 }
5 }

{ 7 } Supper. Read, meditate, exercise.
Question. What good have { 8 } Examination of the day.
I done to-day? { 9 }
{ 10 }
11 } Sleep
12 }
NIGHT. 1 }
2 }
3 }
4 }
5 }
6 }


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