Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005 Report: The Victoria Bloggerati is a free online service that is used to organize meetings of like-minded people in the same city. This week I attended my first two meetups -- the Victoria Graphic Design meetup on Monday, and the Victoria Blogger meetup today.

The Victoria Bloggerati convened after several months of absence, at two tables at Starbucks on Government. I had the great pleasure of meeting up with Todd (, Jodie (, Leon (, and Wil ( I spent most of the evening chatting with Leon, who counts among his many interests his Flickr photoblog and his many blogs ("I've got too many of them!").

Wil's a veteran blogger who's been at it for a couple of years. He recently moved to beautiful Victoria BC from Portland. We talked a bit about TypePad, WordPress, and some of the other blog systems out there.

It was great to meet Jodie, who is the humorous voice behind She brought her son Aidan (hope you weren't too bored during the meetup!). Jodie has a bunch of creative ideas, and she will soon be launching a new website, which she's quite excited about.

And I was intrigued to see Todd whip out a Handspring Visor PDA (I had a couple of years of good service from a Visor Neo), and it was great to meet a kindred spirit. We're both big fans of Web 2.0, and of course we had to evangelize RSS and Bloglines (the most convenient RSS reader out there BTW). Todd - we've got to chat more about this stuff!


  • Thanks Jon it was fun. I will check out everyone's blogs too.

    By Blogger Leon, at 3/17/2005 6:30 a.m.  

  • Hi Jon. It was great to meet you and everyone else last night -- and to see what some other folks in my local corner of the blogosphere are up to.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/17/2005 4:50 p.m.  

  • Hi Leon - Yes, it is definitely fun to the blogs of the others!

    Hey Wil - Great to meet you too, and I wish we could have talked some more. I've got your blog subscribed in Bloglines!

    By Blogger Jonathan, at 3/18/2005 12:44 a.m.  

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