Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Friday, November 19, 2004

Idea for scripting Oracle Designer

Here's an idea for scripting Designer:
1. Export the data model to a text file
2. Modify the text file with your favourite scripting language (I like Ruby, myself)
3. Import the text file back into the data model.

I haven't tried this, but the text file looks fairly parsable:

I ATT "PHOTO 70 MM IND" &1733342288367550961173302356866489851
G ENT "GRY SAMPLE MEASUREMENT" E &2055614123975467610745949653993582426
K ENT *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 ATT_ENT ENTITY_REFERENCE *2055614123975467610745949653993582426
M SEQUENCE_NUMBER *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 "17"
M INITIAL_USAGE *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 "50"
M AVERAGE_LENGTH *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 "1"
M FORMAT *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 "INTEGER"
M OPTIONAL_FLAG *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 "Y"
M MAXIMUM_LENGTH *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 "1"
M AVERAGE_USAGE *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 "50"
T ATT *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 CDIDSC "Indicates whether sample has 70 mm photography or not, a code of 1 = yes, blank = no."
T ATT *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 CDINOT "SED 1:70 70mm?"
T ATT *1733342288367550961173302356866489851 CDINOT "HH Sample:87 sa_photo70"


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