Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Saturday, May 01, 2004

Snippets to go into the mission statement:

"gratitude to God", "enrich the lives of the people he met on the way", "source of strength for his mother", sharpening the saw so I will have energy/capability to help others, people who don't have what they need (food, clothing, and a home, especially), NVC stuff including the idea of "making life wonderful", Covey's stuff, nd also that I was very gentle, and very supportive of her endeavours. To live a life of gratitude to God, and to continually seek ways to enrich the lives of people I meet on the way. the presence of Christ to others, To be close to God and to my family, and to be a part of making wonderful things happen, with Jesus as my model. reach out to people, help them to find hope


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