Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Choosing from MIT's CourseWare list

Stuff that interests me: Comparative Media Studies, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Literature, Media Arts and Sciences

Here's a Ruby script to figure out which MIT OpenCourseWare courses have good lecture notes:

coursesWithLectureNotes = []
IO.foreach("mit-links.txt") { | line |
url = line.split(';')[0]
title = line.split(';')[1].strip
count = `lynx -dump #{url} | grep --count "Lecture Notes"`.strip
print(count + " " + title + "\n")
coursesWithLectureNotes << count + " " + title + "\n"
}"mit-links-results.txt", "w") do |file|
file << coursesWithLectureNotes

Incidentally, the best ones (having "Lecture Notes" mentioned more than once on their opening page) are:

2 1.138J Wave Propagation Fall 2000
2 10.34 Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering Fall 2001
2 11.943J Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment Spring 2002
2 5.33 Advanced Chemical Experimentation and Instrumentation Fall 2002
2 6.071 Introduction to Electronics Fall 2002
2 7.03 Genetics Fall 2001


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